The Wonderful world of Wengie

December 15, 2009

Holidays od Indulgence

Filed under: Uncategorized — wengie @ 11:03 am

So its the holiday season which means we gorge ourselves in food, beer, alcohol and other substances, thats the Australian tradition anyhoww. . Have you ever stepped back and thought about how much alcohol we actually consume?? Its mind boggling! And for some reason drinking massive amounts of this stuff and ending up in the gutter or sleeping in a bus stop seems to be the norm in our society :P.

I honestly think if we saved up the money we wasted on such trivial affairs we could save a 3 rd world country by now :P!

Sorry to be the Christmas scrooge but the thought popped up in my head while staring at bottles and bottles of empty beer bottles. Since I’m a cheap drunk i.e. one bottle will do me I can stand on my pedastal now πŸ˜€

September 23, 2009

Life’s short – get rid of the nasties

Filed under: Uncategorized — wengie @ 12:53 pm

In addition to my earlier blog entry I would also like to say that life is short…

Life is too short to bother with people that don’t bother with you.

I used to be the girl that would put all her effort into people she thinks are her friends. After a while of knowing someone you start to realise things that you may not want to face like, maybe they are friends with you only when you have some form of benefit to them.

Or they are friends with you only because its convinient for them at the time and when something gets in the way then that friendship is forgotten about.

Not eveyrone in this world is a fine example of human beings in fact there are many that aren’t! Way too many.

I think its time where it has dawned to me that there is no point wasting time with people that can’t be bothered wasting thime with you. Lifes to short to concentrate on those people, go find a true friend and spend some time with them. You may have forgotten about them while your too busy trying to be cool or popular or fit in.

And in all honesty I have friends that are friends to my face but when it comes down to it don’t bother including me because of a trivial inconvinience.

If you were a friend to me that wouldn’t stop me from including you.

So why should I even bother wasting time with people like that?

September 22, 2009

Life is fragile…

Filed under: Uncategorized — wengie @ 12:20 pm

To all you misers that are sitting at your desk, you know who you are :P, stop sitting there being miserable and go do something with yourself!

Enjoy life, do something you want to do πŸ™‚

We only have a limited amount of days to live on this earth and towards the end of it we really can’t do much anyways so you might as well make the most of your health now πŸ™‚

Regarding my post about overcommitting, maybe it isn’t so bad as long as you enjoy it, if your not enjoying it don’t do it. Of course there are times blood sweat and tears pay off you just need to make a good judgement call as to whether its worth it.

Cherish your family and go see someone you haven’t seen for a while! Talk to someone you’ve enjoyed talking to in the past but have been too caught up with yourself to go find them and hang out!

People please stop the cycle of work home and being a slug sleeping and waking up and going to work.

Ban the word “I’m too busy too …” Make the time and cherish your family and friends…

RIP grandma I hope you went peacefully…!! πŸ™‚

– I regret not goign to see her before she passed so please don’t make the same mistake as me…



September 11, 2009

I’m hungry!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — wengie @ 6:35 pm

Thats all πŸ™‚

September 10, 2009

Hates the world!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — wengie @ 4:13 pm

This wonderful world is currently not so wonderful πŸ˜› Could be that time of the month again but am totally hating the world!! I just need to take some time out and chill its all getting too much these days :P!

I have an overcommitment problem. If I don’t I get bored easily and now comes the time when I realise I’ve taken on too much and just want to chill πŸ˜›

I’ll of course be bored again in another few days and go back to overcommitting! Story of my life

September 8, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — wengie @ 4:07 pm

For all you food lovers out there, there’s an AWSOME blog about al lthe latest and greatest happening resteraunts in Sydney, WITH PHOTOS!

Word of warning don’t check this site when you hungry and have no access to food you’ll regret it!

I’ve been drooling over this site and its given some great ideas on where to eat :)!!! Thank you!!!

So Here comes the FOODΒ !!! (click the link)

OMG! That dog can play better then I can!

Filed under: Uncategorized — wengie @ 4:04 pm

You know you suck at something when a 4 legged animal can beat you at it! I know I suck at running πŸ˜› Now I found something else I suck at! POOL! Thanks Victor for sharing this link!


September 7, 2009

Are you really THAT poor?

Filed under: Uncategorized — wengie @ 4:13 pm

I’m sure you have all done it, at one time or another you’ve gone to someone “I’m so poor”, “I feel so povo”, “I hate being broke”.

Question I want to put to you all is are you really that broke?? I’m guilty as charged of saying this ALL the time. When I don’t have money to buy a pair of shoes or new clothes I always complain that I’m poor, but really how poor am I? The other day while having a dinner conversation, I realised that really there are people that have lived just fine with less money then I earn. They neither look like they belong on the street, nor do I feel sorry for them for not being able to afford anything. If they can live just fine why am I complaining?

Then you can push this thought further to there are people that can’t even afford having food. I’m not talking about going out to eat at a fancy resteraunt or even getting Maccas take away. But basic food and shelter.

Now that has made me feel like a spoilt brat. Honestly there is nothing to complain about. And I will refrain from throwing around the word “poor” in the future “no promises”.

Well at least I can make myself feel better by a regular payment to the Australian Red CrossΒ and Compassion.

Ok Time to get off my high horse and show you a pic of my sponsor child πŸ™‚


Before you think I’m a good person I chose her because she was cute and she looked like me when I was younger πŸ™‚

MM Curry Curry Curry! – Add Vegies!

Filed under: Uncategorized — wengie @ 1:32 pm

I made Japanese curry the other day! (yummm so tasty) and normally when you have curry the vegetables in it are all boiled out and soggy (cue potatoes and carrots). All the vitamins have probably been boiled out of it and gone to vitamin heaven and obviously it wouldn’t add any nutritional value and just gets in the way of your meat.

Well the best solution to the problem is to add your vegetables AFTER you make the curry. Have them nicely boiled till cooked and the add between your curry a rice. The additional benefit to your curry dish is it creates a dividing line seperating the curry and the rice maintaining the sperated goodness of your curry and preventing your rice from going soggy (I’m not a mixer). This allows you to spoon the perfect amount of fresh curry rice and vegetables to your mouth.

Mmm.. now this post has made me hungry.

How easy is Ripping a phone book?

Filed under: Uncategorized — wengie @ 1:22 pm

So MR P told me him and his workmates have been ripping up whitepages for fun! Now theres apparently a trick to it and if you follow that method you can rip a phone book. His workmate apprently does it really quickly and its his so called party trick.

Now what I hate about people telling you that there is a shortcut to any given task is that they make it sound doable by the average person e.g. me. It makes you think hey if I do thatΒ I can rip a phone book.

What they fail to tell you is that their workmate that actually ripped the phone book was a tanky Greek guy πŸ˜› And that you need a certain maount of brute strength to rip it. fast foward to me attempting to rip a phone book, made me feel like a huge failure:P Even with the “trick” method of doing it, I found it nearly impossible to rip the book.

To start off the ripping process you need to first rip the cover. I cheated and ripped it with my fingers. Then it was just fail from there.

Needless to say I gave up.

Heres Mr P. after his succesful attempt.


Yup, I just made it look real easy didn’t I πŸ˜› You just magically chop White pages in half if you use your psychic abilities to channel phone book chopping thoughts and release through your palm.

No not really, it was more like this:


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